Okay ladies, this will be the first of our “Tap In” series that focuses on topics that are building blocks to creating lives we enjoy. And everyday should be a LUXE day. So, let’s tap in!

What is confidence? Let me start by saying its more than just looking in the mirror and saying to yourself that you’re beautiful… at least in these times. When more has to be done more is needed, and the mantras about how beautiful you are just won’t cut it anymore because ladies, we have to step it up for ourselves. Yes, you may have children, spouses, significant others, pets, all of that, but when we are good, we can easily spread that goodness to whomever we may need. Our roles have changed with time, whether we’re running the show, holding down the background, or co- leading, we can’t half a** anything. We’ve got to put our whole a** into it lol. “5 Must- Haves for Every Successful Woman” lists confidence as a bonus must have. Confidence is an important building block to a life you can enjoy no matter what that looks like to you, and action confidence is key.
Before we dive in, go to –> @TheLuxeDocs Tap In- Confidence <– and save the post so it’ll always be easily accessible and remind you that TheLuxeDocs has a blog post that goes into more detail to help you tap into your highest level of confidence, action confidence.
Oxford Languages gives three definitions of confidence. The one that specifically addresses self-confidence defines it as a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities, however; all can be applied to self. I define self-confidence as simply believing in yourself, but the way I like to emphasize its importance in life is by teaching about the two kinds.

Type one is the kind of confidence you have because you believe in yourself. Period. That’s it. I call this “belief confidence”. Type two is the kind of confidence you have because you’ve put the work in, so you know your strengths and abilities. I call this type “action confidence.”
They’re both alike in that fact that you “know” because you believe in yourself (as you always should). The difference between the two is that the latter comes from putting the work in. Even if it’s in an arena you’ve never ventured into before, you know that the abilities and skills you already have combined with the knowledge you’ve gained or will gain from doing the research will help you be successful at whatever it is. This type is like being able to back up your words with action.
Both are still essential for a strong foundation for everything in life because you’ll always fail if you don’t believe in yourself, and you’ll never see anything through if you don’t put any action behind it. Some may think action confidence is more important than belief confidence, but I beg to differ. They’re both equally important. In some cases (all circumstances where you want to achieve something now that I think about it), belief confidence will only get you so far. Believing won’t help you achieve if you don’t put the work in.
“How I Landed My First Job as a Pharmacist” is a post that talks about a time where confidence was key. Without it, I wouldn’t have been able to walk into that pharmacy that day.

But in cases where action isn’t needed, belief confidence is all you need and not having it can be detrimental. These cases may even be more difficult because it’s more difficult to convince yourself of something without proof or something to go off of. It may actually take more confidence to believe in yourself when you have nothing to base it off of. A perfect example of this is self-love. Self-love is confidence based. No action is required. No research or prior knowledge is required. You don’t need a degree, a certain amount of money in the bank, a certain look, the perfect weight, etc. That’s why so many people tend to get it wrong. They try to base it on things, accolades, and sometimes goals they haven’t achieved yet, deeming themselves not as worthy of complete self-love yet or at all. You just have to know that you’re a great person deserving of love and that you are in control of not only how you love yourself, but how you allow others to as well.
Okay so now let’s tap in!

How to Tap into Your Action Confidence:
- Familiarize yourself with your skills & abilities
- Recognize how you already apply them in your everyday life
- Determine how they can help with new/future task(s)
These are simple steps, but sometimes you aren’t aware or don’t notice them because no one points them out. Keep in mind that these steps alone are meaningless without belief confidence. If you don’t believe that you can do it before starting and during the process, you’ll fail regardless.
Okay, so this is going to seem really cliché, but it’s true. All those things you think you need to make you feel confident (your fave black pumps, lucky socks, job securing padfolio, etc.) are useless without you. They were never really needed because the truth is IT’S ALWAYS BEEN YOU. My father use to mess with my brother by saying you got all the gimmicks but no game (referring to the arm sleeves, wrist bands, head bands, and everything else basketball players dress up in lol). It was one of his forms of tough confidence and game building, and my brother is really good on the court, so I guess it worked. But the point is everything else is extra. It’s you and always has to be you.
Now I don’t want to rush the process. So, if you’re not quite ready to jump into action confidence because you haven’t mastered belief confidence, no worries. I’ll be doing a blog post on belief confidence soon. Also, if you’re needing a little extra help, no worries, hit me up. I’m a great accountability partner and also mentor.
We all need to be about that action! It’s time to start putting the work in to be able to achieve that level of confidence that comes from skill and ability, which comes only from putting the work in. Tap into your action confidence to start creating a life you love. Hold that head up.
And remember…

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