What makes you “that” girl and who even authorized the standard for “that” girl? Okay, I’m really excited to get into this one with you ladies! Why, you ask. Because this topic is pretty much what my blog is here for and provides the basics to do, but I’ll reveal that correlation a little later (hint: ABOUT ME PAGE). Plus, with the new year approaching, there’s no better time than now to be discussing, planning, and becoming who we want to be. New year. Who dis!?Now let’s get into how to BECOME THAT GIRL!
Check out “3 Things to do to Close Out the Year” to see why you should be planning and implementing how to become that girl RIGHT NOW.
So let me just start by saying I love the phrases “becoming that girl” and “becoming her” because I feel like I’ve always been her… in every phase of my life, and I enjoy sharing with women and young girls especially, how they should too and what a difference it’ll make in their lives. It’s a basic concept. It didn’t take much then and it doesn’t now, but these days, in a world where we want everything so automatic and right away, if it’s too easy, it can’t be right. What a contradiction. But it really is simple because to become that girl, YOU get to call all the shots. Oh, and it doesn’t come with all the normal pressures and indecisiveness of being in charge. We’ll get into that.
How to Become THAT Girl

- Define Her
This is the most important step. With everything we’re exposed to so easily via social media, sometimes it’s difficult to really be honest with ourselves about the things we really want. Because this whole process is solely based on YOU, the individual, it’s going to be important that you’re able to block out the influences around you and really determine who it is you want to be. Not who your parents want, the societal norm, or what’s trending, but the identity you want to take on moving forward with the only changes being the level up.
2. Think Like Her
What do you think the thoughts of this person are? Thinking like her may require some outside research. You may not know off the top of your head because you’re not this person yet. However, if you’ve clearly defined her in step 1, you have the key words to research.
3. Dress Like Her
Now many people may disagree with this one or think that it’s not that important, but as a woman that’s been performing since the age of three, practice makes perfect. Doing this helps get into character. Once you’re in character, you may be better able to achieve the aforementioned, think like her. It won’t be long before its no longer a role you’re playing and you’re just being yourself. That is the goal.
4. Move Like Her
And I don’t mean dance or a sway in your hips when you walk… even though the latter may exude a level of confidence. What would she do? You’ve already decided on her thoughts. Based on those thoughts, what does she do? Implement that. Now do this realistically. Obviously, you don’t want to go to the car lot and ride off in a Ferrari if that’s not where you are right now (key word: right now, because you will get there). What does she spend her days doing? How does she prioritize her time?
Click the link or pic below to check out “How to: Confidence Basics 101- Action Confidence” to learn about an important characteristic to help along your journey.
5. Show up as her
PERIOD! You’ve created her. Now be her… EVERYDAY. Something that gets past people is that whether those they see “being that girl” are putting in effort or doing it naturally, they’re doing it. It’s the action verb behind it. Depending on your definition of what “THAT” girl looks like, the only difference between you and who you want to be is the action. Now this may be easier said than done because there may be days when “showing up as her” takes a little (or a lot) more time, patience, and/or energy than you have. But you have to push through and continue to do it anyway over and over again until it becomes a habit that requires less effort on the regular.
Become her… THAT Girl
Check out the following blog posts to help you show up as her daily:
How to: Moving with Intention: Purposeful and Successful Living
The Art of Sacrifice & How to Persevere for Success
Now let’s not overlook the fact that no matter where you are in life, it deserves acknowledgment, and you should be proud because you’ve had to work hard to get there and you’re at least putting forth the effort. This is why I stated earlier that I feel like I’ve always been that girl. Based on who I want to be and my definition of that girl, I’ve always been her, now just a more evolved version. So, I guess you could describe my journey through life thus far as being that girl and still becoming her. Throughout grade school, being that girl for me looked like excelling in my classes and being active in extracurricular activities, so that’s what I did. I studied and practiced so I could do well in both. As I got into the higher grades, it included a social life. So, I prioritized so that I could have time for all three. I was that girl then but was still becoming her because a college graduate was also what that girl looked like to me, and I became her as well. Now I can’t say that I did this on my own because confidence and self-love played a major role on this joutnry, and my parents were/are my biggest cheerleaders to this day (RIP to my father).
Remember that correlation from above I hinted to? TheLuxeDocs was created to emphasize living a life YOU enjoy. How can you live a life you enjoy without being the person you want to be? Those two things go hand in hand. But the great and most important thing about both is that YOU get to decide what those two things look like. But it’s up to you to actually choose that person and that life despite the obstacles it may present and who/what may want differently and put in the work to do so. Remember, this is personal and should have nothing to do with the attention seeking of a social media run world. Now become that girl; the one YOU want.
And remember…

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