It’s almost 2023, and I’m excited. I know you’re like “3 Things to do to Close Out the Year,” heard it before. Been there and did that with you last year, right? Well, you’re wrong. Same idea but new and improved. You know I wouldn’t steer you wrong. So keep reading if you’re interested in new and updated tips for closing out the year.

Now before you start trying to remember every goal you fake set for yourself this year or come up with reasons as to why you didn’t do well with many of them, stop and take a breather. This isn’t that. However, the thought process is the same. Just keep reading. When assessing your year think about all the ups and downs. It may be hard to revisit some of those downs, but it’s important. Think about the goals you did or didn’t do well with that you considered major. The key here isn’t what you can learn from them or do differently next time. You discovered those things during the review phases of said goals if you goal planned correctly.
Click HERE to get your Goal GettHER workbook for setting and planning goals if you haven’t already
The focus here is how those things made you feel. Use those feelings as motivation to fuel your goal planning and resolutions for next year. If you don’t like the way something made you feel, change it.
- Prepare
Prepare for the new year. By prepare, I mean plan. Now, I don’t think it’s necessary to plan the whole 2023 ahead of time. Our lives change so often that you could want or need something one day and something else the next. A quarterly outline of the goals you want to achieve or big milestones you want to hit may be more sensible. However, get down and dirty with the planning and goal planning for January. Although it’s always a good time to start, people tend to feel as if they need a sensible starting point… like the beginning of the week, first day of the month, or top of the hour. Plus, that is when people feel that wave of motivation for their fresh start.
Be sure to check out “How to: Goal Planning” for tips on goal planning.

Starting at the top of the year will allow you to be able to catch that wave of motivation, and having a plan already in place will allow you to be able to ride it out through the remainder of the month. Now waves don’t last forever, so you’ll need something else to keep you going, but we’ll talk about that later. One step at a time. Oh and another thing, mindset matters, so prepare that as well.
Get your Goal GettHER workbook for setting and planning goals to help you prepare for the new year if you haven’t already.
- Rest

What better way to close out the year than resting and relaxing. I know we’re all excited for the new year and ready to catch that wave I mentioned earlier, but we have to rest. Life lifed this year, and we should expect it to do the same next year. This may be the most important thing we can do to prepare for 2023. Rest gives us the energy we need to get through the days. It also heals the body, reduces stress, and boosts productivity among other things. Starting the year off drained is not productive and will lead to suboptimal results in whatever you’re trying to achieve in life.
These 3 things to do to close out the year may seem small, but they’ll go a long way. Also, be sure to check out “3 Things to do to Close Out the Year 2021,” as those are great tips to incorporate as well. Happy holidays! See you next year!
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